Rusk approves multiple grant applications for police department

Published: Tue, 01/16/24

Rusk approves multiple grant applications for police department

By Michelle Dillon; Jacksonville Progress


The Rusk City Council approved the application of several grants requested by the police department at Thursday’s meeting.

The only grant application requested by the police department that requires a city match is one for body cameras. The match requirement is 25%, with no maximum or minimum funding amount requirements. The cameras have already been budgeted and purchased, so the city is seeking reimbursement for these funds through the grant process.

Application for a bullet resistant shield grant was authorized for the purchase of four shields.

“We got nine last year, so we need four more to have every officer have one,” City Manager Amanda Hill said.

Additionally, the city is seeking funds through the rifle resistant body armor grant to provide such armor for all 13 officers.

The Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant Program states the purpose of the grant is to promote public safety, reduce crime and improve the criminal justice system. Hill said the city will apply for the grant to fund the metal plates worn by officers in an active shooter situation.

The deadline for each of these grant applications is Feb. 8.

The ALERRT Travel Assistance Grant will pay for travel costs incurred by law enforcement agencies for sending officers to the Advanced Law Enforcement Rapid Response Training mandated by the state. The deadline for this grant is Aug. 31.

The agenda item requesting authorization to place an order for four police vehicles was tabled.

As part of the city manager’s report, Hill said the comprehensive street study was complete and she, Utilities Director Thomas Thompson and Public Works Director Neill Holcomb would be attending a workshop on using the program. The street program will allow for record keeping regarding completed street projects, the input of information to determine costs of various street repairs, among other items. Hill said it will allow her to implement a maintenance program.

Hill also reported the Rusk Economic Development Corporation approved three facade grants, including for two downtown businesses and one located on U.S. 69.

Paving on Moon City Road, also known as Fire Tower Road, should commence as soon as weather permits.

“We have changed the scope of work on that a little bit so it’s going to be a little cheaper than what we were going to do,” Hill said. “We’re going to take money and do a change order to the project that is going to allow us to pave Twisted Oak. That’s the next street in town that will be done.”


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