Cleburne: City Manager Polasek retires after 7 years

Published: Fri, 01/19/24

City Manager Polasek retires after 7 years

Cleburne City Manager Steve Polasek fives the state of the city on Wednesday during the Cleburne Chamber of Commerce's quarterly luncheon at the Cleburne Conference Center. He siad there is growth coming to Cleburn with many homes and businesses coming into Town.
Ashley Rose/CTR

Cleburne Times-Review
By Matt Smith,
January 18, 2024

During his tenure as Cleburne’s city manager, Steve Polasek oversaw the opening of the The Depot, Cleburne’s minor league baseball stadium and event center; expansion of the city’s wastewater treatment plant; replacement of aging downtown sidewalks; and multiple street repair and reconstruction and other projects.

Staff and city council members honored Polasek for his seven years of service during the Jan. 9 council meeting.

“It’s been a great ride Steve and I’ve really enjoyed working with you all these years,” Cleburne Economic Development Director Grady Easdon said. “What a great mentor you’ve been through sharing great ideas and helping me along in my role.”

Sentiments Cleburne Human Resources Director Debra Powledge shared.

“Your unwavering commitment and visionary guidance has put Cleburne on the map as a great place to visit, do business, work and call home,” Powledge said. “Through your servant leadership, through each experience you’ve given us you’ve always challenged us through never allowing a no to stop us or be a brick wall. You always kept us moving forward through that support and mentorship.”

Easdon, while genuine in his praise, also reveled in pointing out several Polasek peculiarities.

When you work with somebody long enough you get to know their habits,” Easdon said. “Every time I heard him sneeze I’d start to count. There’s going to be six. Every time he sneezes five follow each with increasing intensity. After the sixth one I know he’s done and I was always glad I wasn’t in the same room when he did that because I was hearing that through the three doors between his office and mine.”

Easdon joked too of Polasek’s penchant for punching the car alarm button on his key fob once, twice, sometimes three times on his walk to his office everyday.

“We had a hard time finding the Lysol because all of it was in Steve’s office,” Mayor Scott Cain joked.

To that end, Powledge presented Polasek an epidemic bag as a parting gift.

“It has masks, hand sanitizer, gloves, a Zoom subscription and your latest memo on Covid-19 protocols,” Powledge said.

Powledge on a more serious note commended Polasek’s leadership in navigating the city through the Covid pandemic, his accomplishments as city manager and his rapport with staff.

“You fostered employee discussions through brown bag luncheons with not only employees but supervisors as well,” Powledge said. “That had never happened before. We’re honored that you chose Cleburne to be a part of your 30-year career.”

Cain spoke of Cleburne’s rapid growth during Polasek’s tenure and his role in helping guide that.

“You improved the culture of our city,” Cain said. “Our city staff feel lke they’re part of a team. That hasn’t always been the case. We were one time fractured and siloed. You got them out of that and working together as a team. You really left us in a lot better shape than you found us.”

Polasek improved city communication and transparency as well, Cain added.

“The way you present a budget, you set the gold standard four our council and for your successor and staff on how to set a budget,” Cain said. “More importantly, your staff always came in thoroughly prepared, and that’s a reflection on your leadership.”

Council members felt much the same.

“You’re the first city manager that really got things going,” Councilman John Warren said. “The most important thing t me is that you recognized my humanity and you considered the suggestions I had about the city and I thank you for your service.”

Councilman Mike Mann agreed.

“You’re the third city manager I’ve served with and I can’t think of a better city manager than any of those I have served with or seen since,” Mann said.

Councilman Blake Jones credited Polasek for inspiring him to go into public service.

“Of all the city managers I’ve worked with, you’re the best one,” joked Jones, a first-term council member.

Councilman Derek Weathers praised Polasek’s preparedness, leadership and thoroughness.

“Then, compare the city manager and staff situation we have here compared to other cities,” Weathers said. “The preparation and hard work you put in over the past seven years has shown dividends and I can’t think of anybody better to lay this city’s future foundation than you.”

For his part, Polasek credited his wife, son and fellow city staff members for any success he’s realized.

“Mayor, council, I can’t imagine a place I would rather be and a place I would rather end my government career than here,”Polasek said. “I remember when [former Interim City Manager Dan O’Leary] talked me into coming here. He told me this, and he was exactly right, ‘I wish I would’ve found this place 20 years earlier.’

“We built a very good staff here. Everything that’s been accomplished had been a team. I can’t tell you how glad I was to come to work everyday with these folks.”

Council members last month named former Odessa City Manager Michael Marrero as Cleburne’s new city manager.


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