City Manager talks signal warrant analysis, engineering of signalization
Lane Jones
Scheane’ Brown
City Manager had recently contracted The Goodman Corporation to conduct a Traffic Signal Warrant Analysis, examining the possible need for a traffic light. The objective of the study was to evaluate if
signalization is warranted for the intersection of W. Van Alstyne Parkway (FM121) and Collin McKinney Parkway.
The analysis was conducted based on traffic impact analysis completed for Van Alstyne High School’s new location currently under construction to the south of the subject intersection, set to open in Fall 2024. The City believed this intersection to be of high risk of accidents given the opening of the Van Alstyne High School
and hopes that by funding an independent study, TxDOT will be encouraged to provide signalization should the Signal Warrant Analysis validate safety concerns via a formal and independent study.
Signal warrants analysis was conducted for Phase 1 school opening year (2024) and full build-out year (2030). The analysis was based on Texas Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices October 2014, revision 2.
The outcome provided the following summary: The results show that signalization is warranted for both horizon years. Both 2024 and 2030 horizon years meet both 4-hour (Warrant 2) and peak hour (Warrant 3) signal warrants. In addition, the roadway network signal warrant (Warrant 8) is met in Year 2030. It is the recommendation of the study that a traffic signal be installed.
The full Signal
Warrant Analysis has been provided to TxDOT and the city is encouraging TxDOT to fund and install the warranted signalization.
TXDOT has asked the City of Van Alstyne to fund the cost of engineering the needed signalization in order to expedite the installation of the traffic control citing the current workload of TxDOT engineers making them unavailable to work this project in a timely manner.
The City of Van Alstyne has contracted with the Goodman Corporation to engineer the installation of needed signalization of Collin McKinney Parkway and FM121. The work of engineering began June 24, 2024, with the deliverable to be provided to the City December 13, 2024.